Saturday, March 3, 2018

Wake Up and Write!

  It has been a long time since I have visited this blog, and even longer since I have written on. But I believe God is orchestrating something in my life that involves me using this on a regular basis. And so here I am, sitting at my laptop writing again. I would like to begin using this blog for what I wrote before as its intended purpose. To chronicle my walk and keep up with what God is doing in my life. So here I shall explain what has been going on to bring me back to this blog and writing in general.

  I love writing. I really do. But when it comes to actually doing it I am missing two things. Any guesses? Its not that I don't have a way to write. I have notebooks galore, a favorite pen, and a nice laptop. Is it time? Nope. All I need to do is give myself a few extra minutes in the morning after my devotionals, which is easy enough. How about having a place maybe? Everyone knows it flows easier if you have a place to do these things consistently. No. I have a pretty comfortable place at our dining table, (where I am sitting right now), and even a writing desk that I built in a little nook of our house that I am looking forward to using. How about the motivation or drive to actually write? That strikes a nerve, a pretty big one when I think about it.
  You would think that the joy of doing something would be motivation enough, but alas, in my case it hasn't done the trick. My wife has been a constant source of encouragement, giving me plenty of reason to write, including pulling out the big one, "Didn't God tell you to write?". Um, yea, I thought so. I'm pretty sure He... Yes, He did tell me. But did I avail myself of it? Of course not! But fortunately He was not finished with me in the writing department. I was not fired and removed from the payroll yet. He was merciful to me yet again. And in His grace something happened. Another chance to walk in what He is directing.

  In what seemed a random "like" of what someone had to say about a passage of the bible that spoke to me on a sight devoted to books, I was contacted by the person who wrote it. Messaging back and forth a few times about writing prompted Brian, (who by now I was beginning to see as a friend), to ask about possibly doing something where we would go through a book of scripture and each writing what God was speaking to us. I could hardly believe it. In His infinite wisdom He was giving me a way to write with accountability! I know His ways are mysterious, but even almost 2 weeks later I am still reeling from it. And to know the the Lord is blessing Brian in this is as well just makes it all the sweeter.

  So what is the other missing piece? How about I just admit it. Discipline. There I said it. Or wrote it to be more precise. But I do say it a lot when it comes to others. Like my children, or to the men in my men's group. And then to see the lack of it in my personal life makes it feel as if I have 10' 6x6 solid oak post in my eye. If I actually do succeed in helping remove that splinter from someone else, am I just using it to add to my own post? Well, I have some happy news in the coming from the discipline sector. In another twist coming from another friend, Johnathan, I asked him about doing a big hike with me. Now Johnathan has a love of running, specifically trail running. And when I say love, well, let's just say he is a very passionate individual. In almost everything that he involves himself in. Now I like it when I can be out and do a little trail running. Such as when hiking I can run for five or ten minutes every hour or so. The proposed hike is 13.5 miles and he says "Lets run it!". So here I am at almost the same time as I am receiving my motivational portion, and here I am given the discipline. If I don't start running every morning for the next 4 months I will probably die on that trail. And knowing Johnathan, he would probably pick me up and keep running.

  To conclude, God is faithful, and He does what He deems necessary to move us along. Now it is my part to walk in His grace and be faithful to what He is asking.

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